Gemmology is a fascinating world of light and colour, of physics and beauty, of adventure and perfection. The following series of articles aims to shed some light on the fascinating world of gemmology in a simplified, easy to understand way. Drawing on educational material studied through the GAA, Gem-A, GIA, AIGS and the University of Queensland.
By following these articles you will be lead through such topics as physical and optical properties of gems, info on some of the more important gems, descriptions of treatments and synthetics and even the mining, cutting and fashioning of gem material.
To keep it easy on the eye dot points and diagrams will be used where possible. Suggestions for further reading will also be provided and as much content as possible will be referenced to create a learning environment which can be as simple or complex as you desire.
Questions, comments (and even corrections if required) will always be looked into and responded to as this will only enhance the learning experience.
So please join us on a journey into the wonderful world of gemstones.
Charles Lawson (BSc Geo., FGA, FGAA, DG GIA)
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